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Middle School

  /  Middle School

Middle School is a pre-cursor to High School life, where the student works closely with the teacher on his/her strengths and weakness.

The most important goal during Middle School years is to develop a regular study routine, habit and work on the overall development of the child’s attitude. The Middle School follows the CBSE curriculum and components issued by the NCERT.

In the words of Ken Robinson-Creativity is as important now in education as literacy and we should treat it with the same status.”

The following are the subjects for the Middle School:

  • English
  • Hindi
  • Second language/Third language
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Science
  • Computer Science
  • General Knowledge
  • Virtual labs
  • Arts
  • Robotics
  • Swimming
  • Sports
  • Communicative English

Student Assessment

  • Reports on conduct, academic and co-curricular progress are sent to parents at the end of each term. Parents at the end of each term. Parents are most welcome to discuss any point pertaining to the child’s progress with the class teacher. The parents are also encouraged to meet the  Principal after prior appointment.
  • Grades V, VI and VII have Term based assessments;

Term I- Wednesday Tests+ Mid- Term Examination

Wednesday tests will be conducted in 4 cycles. 2 Cycles per term. The best of two will be taken as Periodic test marks.

Term II – Wednesday Tests + Annual Examination

Periodic Test II- Average of 2 cycles of Wednesday tests.

  • In the Mid-Term Examination, the assessment is done on the basis of a written exam. For Classes V  to  VII 80 marks, on syllabus covered till announcement of Mid-Term Examination dates by school. +20 marks from periodic test, multiple assessments, subject enrichment activities and portfolio.
  • The final exam is a cumulative assessment with syllabus coverage below:
  • Classes V  to  VII: Certain percentage of first term significant topics+ entire syllabus of 2nd term.

Grades are awarded for good performances in sports and/or Arts activities.